Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Indoor Air Quality And Environmental Health Essay

Indoor Air Quality and Environmental Health Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers only to the quality of the ambient air in an interior environment. On average, people spend well over half of their time inside, and research has shown that indoor air in buildings can be more contaminated than outdoor air. The majority of people that work in non-industrial buildings such as offices, schools, and hospitals are exposed daily to poor IAQ. Indoor air pollution (IAP) continually ranks among the top five environmental risks to public health. Therefore, IAP is a critical factor of the safety and well-being of the population. This paper explores IAP in context, the health risks related to poor air quality, the burden of disease from household air pollution, guidelines for environmental infection control in healthcare facilities, and how to improve IAP. Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor environmental quality (IEQ), comprises the quality of a building’s environment concerning the wellbeing and health of those who occupy the space. Many factors contribute to the IEQ such as air quality, lighting, and damp conditions. People usually experience symptoms or health conditions from exposures to contaminants while they are indoor. One of the reasons why IEQ is a primary concern is because some people that experience symptoms while indoors usually get better when they are not in the building. Indoor environments are incredibly complex, and building occupants may be exposed to a variety ofShow MoreRelatedAir Polution And Outdoor Air Pollution1299 Words   |  6 Pages Public Health Problem Poor air quality can be classified into two types of air pollution: indoor air pollution and outdoor air pollution. 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